Wednesday 19 October 2011

Comparing Title Sequence with Trailer

I chose the film 300 to compare the trailer to the open title sequence of Saving Private Ryan.
In the trailer the director wants to show some of the most exciting parts of the film. If the trailer sums up all the exciting parts of a film the audience will assume that the film is an exciting film that they want to watch. Obviously the trailer would be montage edited with clips from different parts of the film but done in a way that gives you a short summary of the plot. If the audience like the idea of the plot they would probably go and see this film.

An opening gets the audience to ask questions about what this film could possibly be about. This opening gets the audience to ask questions about the characters, for example who are they? The opening sequence will reveal short information bit by bit to keep the audience guessing. By doing this the director will successfully catch the viewer and they will continue to watch the rest of the film. Opening sequences usually contain an exciting set piece (especially in thriller/action movies) to keep the audience watching. This will make the audience believe something exhilarating going to happen in the rest of the film.

Course Work Brief

For our Coursework we have been assigned to make the opening scene of a film with titles!
The film is going to a new fiction film and should last two minutes.
The video and audio have to be copyright free. For example the video has to have been filmed yourself and the audio must have either been recorded with the camera or downloaded from a copyright free site.
We will be marked on
-holding a shot steady where appropriate
-framing shot, including and excluding elements where appropriate
-the variety of shots used e.g. distances etc.
-research and planning
-and level of care posting about it on our blogs.

Saturday 15 October 2011

Preliminary Task

What went well?
The shots seem to flow from one another because we followed the rules of continuity. By doing this we think we have successfully been able to maintain a imagined space in the viewers head. We specifically follow the 180 degree rule that keeps the imagined space in the viewers mind without confusion. Also we believe that we were able to use a lot of the shots we learnt about for a smooth continuous edit for example eye line match, master shot, shot reverse shot.

Even better if...
Some of the acting could of been improved and if we edited the sound more the clip would of run more smoothly, helping the match on action shot when we opened the door.