Friday 10 February 2012

Assessment Evaluation Posts Q 3 & 6 (SJA Feb 10th)


  • Good attempts at making these two posts visual and some creativity in your ideas George
  • Good to see moving gifs for Q. 3
  • Q.3 Check your spelling in this post. I think you need to develop this by including images of movie posters, or screen grabs from 'like' films that have (films that are very similar to your) that have also been distributed by this company - include these and use these to explain WHY your film is also suited to the ethos of this company - annotate the movie posters / screen grabs to point out the similarities these have with your own
  • Q. 6 - I REALLY think this post needs to be JING, or a similar screen cast George - you want to use 'technology' to show how you 'use technology' ... if you know what I mean. JING lends itself beautifully to this. There is other screen cast software that you can also use to 'talk through' what you do on the computer as you work. I want to see you using final cut in action, and talking through blogger / live type... and all the things that media involves. I really think this post in your evaluation needs development in order to reach higher ends of Level 4 (which is what you need to get your 'A' target)
Overall effort for Q.s 3 & 6: GD

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