Wednesday 23 November 2011

Questionnaire Answers and Analysis

  • Most of the people I gave the questionnaire to were males (60%) which meant that the answers I would recieve would be generally masculine.
  • All of the people I interviewed were 16-20 which means the answers I got about films would be similar due to films being based on age groups.

  • Most of the people wanted to meet the main character in the first 2 minutes of the film. The reasons were because they want to know who the film is about, to see if they recognize the actor and then determine whether the film is going to be good or not, or to judge the character, seeing if he/she is interesting or boring. The few who said they didn't want to see the main character, said that it kept the mystery of a thriller.
  • When it came down to what people would want to see in the main character people mainly said male. Other popular attributes were a bitter personality, violent, determined, clever, strong and the ability to do the impossible. The unpopular attributes were a female main character with a more humane way of dealing with things. I expected these results because the conventions for main characters in thrillers are similar to the popular outcomes. 
  • The most popular actor for thrillers was Liam Neeson with 40% putting down his name. I expected this because of his appearances in two huge thrillers 'taken' and 'uknown'. This suggests that the main character in our film should be middle aged, quite strong and tough, very intelligent and capable of violence. Other actors included Matt Damon from Bourne Identity who has a similar likeness to Liam Neeson. 

  • Most people seem to prefer the titles to appear over the moving image. This could possibly be suggesting that they probably wouldn't want to see the titles at all and would want to go straight into viewing the film. 
  • Most people said that the less they learn about the film in the first two minutes the better. This way the typical mysterious atmosphere held by a thriller would be upheld. Many mentioned that they would prefer to see the opening of a thriller to be a prologue were something bad is foreshadowed. 
  • The results to what they want to see and hear in the opening of a thriller film were all pretty similar. Many mentioned an abandoned building as an appropriate setting or a run down area. This suggests low-key lighting and smoke. Also they mentioned that the music should be orchestral and follow the score, no one said they wanted to hear a popular song. 

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