Wednesday 30 November 2011

Sounds for our Thriller Opening Sequence

For sound we have to use non copyrighted material from, copyright free websites our from stuff we have recorded personally. Four our thriller we are going to write and record some of the music on Cubase and possibly record other sound effects. However we will borrow copyright free sounds from copyright free websites.

A thriller would probably have eerie ambient music, so we would need something that would build some tension without giving it away. We just want the audience to feel that something is wrong.

We also want some traffic noises as well for when our character walks to his mate's house. The noise has to be realistic, I can't sound too busy however, otherwise we would loose the isolated feel we want to maintain.

A few good swoosh and swish noises would suggest something that shouldn't be there.

For musical score it would be right if we went for a more modern approach and had some music similar to films like the Matrix and the Bourne Identity with a slow drum beat, ambient noises and distorted synth noises to suggest the problems about to occur in the film.

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