Sunday 20 November 2011

Se7en Thriller opening anaylsis


Distributing Company, logo appears first reminds audience who made the film, promotes them.


Fades in straight to the film, with no other titles yet. A mid shot of a man, can't quite make out who he is. The audience will be asking who is he? is he the main character? The ambient noise suggests he lives in a city, the viewers will be wondering where?


Cuts to the man getting ready for work, audience will see his face for the first time. They will also notice the items shown in the close up and will be wondering what they are for? What is his job?


Cuts to a crime scene, the camera tilts up so you can see all of it. As the man walks down the corridor it becomes apparent that he is a detective.


The shot starts off as a long shot at the other detective but tilts upwards when a new character walks up the stairs becoming a mid shot.The fact that only these two characters have been shown up relatively close suggests that they are both the main characters.


The two characters in the frame together signify that they are the main characters of the film, detective and partner. They are probably going to have to spend the most of the film together solving this crime.


The camera tracks forward on the guy in bed. This gives the idea that he is pondering deeply, possibly about the crime or his new partner. The ticking metronome that the camera focuses on with close ups, signifies this as well, as though he uses it to help him think. The audience will be wondering why he has a metronome ticking.


Title sequence then begins. Shows disturbing instruments with eerie music. The random shots imply the work of the killer. The titles are in hand written or typewriter like font that again suggests a serial killer. The titles seem to flash on screen as though you shouldn't have seen them.

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