Monday 23 January 2012

Assessment 23/1/12 LFE

  • George you have attempted all of the posts that we have asked you to do so this is good.
  • You have made a good discussion about your target audience using the visual aid of Prezi, you may be able to develop these ideas a little bit further
  • You have an extensive list of media technologies that you have used

  • Think about how you challenge the steroetypes of gender, it is not enough to just say that you do. What have you done or shown that challenges them?
  • Whilst you have a very good list of media technologies you have used, you now need to turn that list of bullet points into a more visual and interesting post. You could create a Jing presentation showing how you have used these media technologies. Also remember the use of Blogger in your list. Think about how the use of these technologies have helped you.
  • You now need to build on your posts and add more detail as well as making them more visual.
Grade: IN (these are drafts and with some work they can become good posts)

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