Sunday 22 January 2012

5. How did you attract/address your audience?

As our opening sequence is part of a thriller film, we have assumed that most of the audience members will be male, from teenagers to middle aged. Because of this we have made the cast mostly male. The main character is male and the audience will aspire to be like him. The male lead will be capable of violence and action, these attributes will attract the male audience, especially the younger teenagers who will see the character as a role model. The older male audience members will be enticed by the complex story line, with twists and turns. We have catered for most social classes in this film, we have included both middle and working classes and have both challenged and reinforced the stereotypes. For middle class, we have challenged the stereotypes of middle class families being perfect, by giving the family a dark history. We have also challenged the stereotype that the working class are criminals. Other than this we have mainly reinforced their stereotypes, such as their houses and areas.
We based our main character on other successful main characters from other thrillers such as Bryan Mills (Liam Neeson in Taken) and Eddie Morra (Bradley Cooper in Limitless). We made Mark a strong, intelligent and efficient man, who is capable of violence. This will help address the majority of the male audience by having a main character they aspire to be like. 

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