Thursday 19 January 2012

6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing the product?

Technologies Used

Effects we have used
  • Fast/Slow/Reverse
  • Transitions
  • Equaliser
  • Rerverberation
  • Adjust colours
  • Ghost Trail
Colour Adjustment
We used colour adjustment in the majority of our clips to create a darker and gloomier setting. Furthermore the obvious contrast between dark and light really represents the factions of our product.


We equalised the sound by adding a high pass filter to make the dialogue sound as though it was playing on an answer machine. By doing this it represent some of the distorted story.

Here is an example of voices on a telephone, the way we acheived this was by adding a high pass filiter, boosting the higher frequencies and cancelling out the lower bass frequencies. This gives the audio a high pitch telephone like feel.

Ghost Trail 
We used gjost trail to create a disorientated first person perspective. This make the audience feel uncertain about the setting.


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